LUSH Inspired Jelly Soap
Hello Lovelies! Here's another tutorial for you: how to make Lush inspired jellies. It actually really simple and fun to do! (Also, pretty inexpensive!)
What you're going to need is:
Your choice of Shampoo and / or shower gel
Unflavoured gelatine
An ice cube tray
Rubbing Alcohol
A couple of mixing containers (make sure they're heat proof)
Boiling water
And a pinch of salt
First thing to do to take about one and a half packets of the unflavoured gelatine and place them in your mixing bowl. Then add 200ml - 300ml of boiling water and mix it all together until the gelatine is completely dissolved.
Now, split the mixture in half and put one half of the mixture aside.
Take half your solution and pour a cup of shampoo (I'm using Herbal Essence) and mix it in completely. Be sure to be gentle, if you stir too roughly or vigorously you'll end up with a very frothy mixture. If you want to make the colour stronger then you can always add in a couple of drops of food colouring.
Then, for a moisturising effect, pour in a few drops of glycerine and gently stir it in.
Once you're finished doing that, pour the mixture into your ice cube tray.
Repeat these steps with the other half of your mixture, except instead of shampoo, use the shower gel.
Now take your rubbing alcohol and spray the surface of the soap in the moulds. This will get rid of the bubbles that are floating on the surface.
If you've got excess mixture, don't worry, just do what I did. I poured mine into two small glasses I had in the kitchen. Once you're finished, just pop everything into the fridge for around four hours. I know it seems like a long time to wait, and if you're anything like me, you'll be at the fridge checking the progress every ten minutes, but trust me, it's so worth the wait!
When everything has set, take your soaps out of the fridge and gently prying the soaps out of the moulds. I did this by gently pulling the soap away from the sides before slowly easing them out of the moulds.
To get the soap out of the glasses I just used a toothpick and used it to separate the soap from the side of the glass. Once I'd done that it just popped right out.
And there you have it! Your own jelly soap! It was so much simpler and easier than I thought it would be and I really had fun making them. They smell great and are super fun to use! Just keep in mind that it's best to keep these in the fridge as they do tend to melt a little at room temperature.
I hope you've enjoyed this tutorial, let me know what you think!
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