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Friday, 21 August 2015

Make Your Own Hair Bows

Hello Lovelies! I'm back with another tutorial, this one is very simple and super cute: DIY hair bows! This is so much fun and an inexpensive way to make some cute hair accessories, you can make them whatever colour you like and mix and match patterns if you wanted!

What you're going to need:

Your choice of fabric, I'm just using some scrap fabric I had,
Glue Gun
And Crocodile hair clips

First step is to cut out a square and a rectangle from your desired fabric. I didn't measure exactly, I just kind of eyeballed it, but obviously make the sizes bigger or smaller depending on what size you want you bow to be.

Next, take the square piece of fabric and fold over the edges to create a rectangle. Make sure the edges of the fabric are overlapping.

Now take the hot glue gun and CAREFULLY glue the overlapping edges together.

Once you've done this the next step is to fold in the corners to create a single point and glue them down. It doesn't have to be perfect so don't worry about it if it's not exact!

Fold the two edges into the centre to create a small rectangle, but don't glue anything just yet!

The next thing to do rather than glueing is to turn over the rectangle and then pinch it in the middle, as demonstrated in the picture bellow:

Now it's time to adjust and play about to get the look you want and once you're satisfied add a dollop of glue to the back and let it cool. Remember the thin rectangle of fabric we cut earlier? It's time to use it. All you need to do is wrap it around the centre of the bow like so:

And then glue it so that it doesn't come undone.

The final step is to take your crocodile hair clip, add some glue to it and then press it to the back of your bow.

Make sure to press firmly.

And there you have it! You're very own bow! Isn't it cute? And it didn't even take that long to make!


I hope you've enjoyed this tutorial, let me know what you think!

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